Since our programs happen only monthly or for short periods of time, you may see this page changing. No, people are not being fired or anything dramatic. Many of our wonderful leaders have full time Jobs or get opportunities for greater work and we need to find replacements. We love all the leaders at Spectrum Insights and want them to be happy and follow their dreams. As we grow I hope to be able to offer more hours and keep these fantastic people working for us. I am so proud to have such talented people on board!
-John Anderson - Program Director
-John Anderson - Program Director
All of our staff have a recent background check and updated first aid.
Julie Bode: Leader for Moving Forward, Camps and Teen Social Groups
Brittany Debellefeuille Staff/Volunteer
Leo Zavadsky Volunteer
Jakob Volunteer
Ben Clark - Staff Moving Forward
Sonja Wareberg - Staff & Volunteer
Sophia - Staff & Volunteer
John Wayne Anderson - Program Director
If you have any questions about our programs please contact our Director John Anderson
using the form below.
using the form below.