You may have noticed at the past few socials and March break camp, staff wearing a video camera. We are trying something new as an added layer of protection for your child.
Our goal is to provide parents an opportunity to review footage of their child's day in our program. Given that we work w/ vulnerable children/adults, not all students are able to express fully themselves nor give an accurate account of their day. What if your child had a rough day, but not able to advocate for themselves once home or you just suspect something is amiss. At Spectrum Insights, you can ask to review the footage of you child's day to gain a better insight into a specific event. The cameras would also allow us to record any accidents so parents have an accurate account of the events that happened and how we cared for your child. On the rare occasion where we provide one on one support due to a conflict, you can have access to the footage for clarity on what was said, advised and how the problem was solved. The camera is also helpful to staff to record and review events in the day and gives you assurance of what was said between staff and child behind closed doors. This camera will not always be on. At the Church we will turn it off and only record conversations if we need to speak to a child in private. Once we leave the church the camera is on but more to record anomalous behavior outside of the group, accidents and interactions with stores, bus drivers etc. We also have a policy in place which I encourage you to read if you have not done so already. All staff are required to sign, and it clearly explains our policy on the care of your child and expectations for staff:
How it works:
- Footage is NEVER to be used on social media, our website or for casual viewing.
- Only Parents may request to view footage of their childs day. Said footage does not leave our possession unless a copy requested for legal reasons.
- Parents who have signed a photo permission and indicated "no" will be contacted for further clarification before we use a camera
- Cameras turned off and put away in washrooms and change rooms.
- Cameras off at church unless a situation would benefit from a 3rd eye
If you have any questions, suggestions, support for our idea or concerns, please email me at:
[email protected]